Transcend Time

time is a substance, be the artist
transpose lower or higher to create chords
stay synced or free run with all effects
create infinite feedback loops
trigger grains based on time divisons or milliseconds
sequence triggered grains over time
set an offset until grains are triggered

"Great Sound!
Right out of the box!"

Rhythmic gater effect with auto gain. Soft limiter to ensure you dont clip in your daw. Matter 001 works well on any send track or directly on your mix track.

the trinity

sculpt sound & design tones

Granular Effect

Use the granular engine to split up your sounds and fill the void with movement.

Sequencer Control

Morphing and mixing time based grains with the build in step sequenzer control.

Feedback Delay

Create feedback loops with the delay engine and get experimental sound-pads easily.

sound examples

use headphones for the best experience

Wood Instrument

dry vs wet sound demo

Progressive Synth

dry vs wet sound demo

Pluck Sound

dry vs wet sound demo + bass

Crushed Tapelead

dry vs wet sound demo + bass


granular delay FX and feedback sequencer

+ go fast with our handpicked presets
+ level up your samples and sounds
+ make your mix less stiff with movement



buy now

*vat included in price


what other musicians say about us

“I use Matter in nearly every production, its a gamechanger for me!”

Phenomsound EDM Producer - Dubstep Guru

“It has a ton of features
and sounds so pretty!!”

DixonBeats - VST Reviews

“Such a unique and interesting sound, you can hear it a lot through my new album!”

Tec9 - Techno Artist


start creating now!

Lab test confirms the following hosts:

Ableton Live, Logic Pro X, Studio One 5, FL Studio, GarageBand.
Software downloads are provided in both 64 bit AU and  VST3 formats.

we recommend macOS 10.9+ or Windows 10+

other products

even more are coming soon, stay tuned!
multiband saturator


Coming Soon